planning permission for your garage

Planning permission can be a complex regulation which is why it’s essential you understand what you can and cannot build or install. We’re here to alleviate any confusion surrounding planning permission to ensure your extension or garage is able to go ahead. Below we go into detail regarding the projects you do and don’t require planning permission for.

Do you need planning permission for a garage?

In most instances, you will not require planning permission for a garage or garage extension (providing it adheres to the points at the bottom of this article).

Finishing a garage conversion or loft extension only to find out you do not have planning permission will result in you having to deconstruct the changes you made, which can cost a small fortune and eliminate all your time and hard work. Make sure that you understand the ins and outs of planning permission before taking on any project.

If you’re unsure about securing planning permission, our team at EHB has a 99% success rate in getting your planning permission accepted, so get in touch!


Also bear in mind that planning restrictions differ depending on your post code. For example, restrictions are often placed on Conservation areas and listed properties. You can check with your local authority or council if you’re unsure about building an extension.

There are also different planning restrictions for designated areas such as Conservation Areas listed properties, so check with your local authority or council to get your planning permission confirmed.

What is permitted development?

Permitted development simply allows you to extend a garage, extension or outbuilding without having to seek planning permission. There are instances where you will require planning permission for your garage, extension or outbuilding – if the work being done adds over 100 square metres to the floor space or extends four metres in height. If you’re unsure about the space regulations regarding planning permission for your garage or extension, explore our planning permission guide.

what is permitted development

Do I need planning permission for a wooden garage?

Garages, sheds, greenhouses and the majority of outbuildings do not require planning permission as they fall under ‘permitted development’. Essentially, you are able to build a garage onto your property so long as it’s no higher than four metres and it’s of a reasonable size.

However, if your garage is of considerable size (ie, it takes up more than half the land around your original property) you may run into a few problems. If your garage falls into this scenario (maybe you’re combining this with a large house extension) then we’d recommend seeking guidance from the council.

The details behind seeking planning permission for oak framed garages and carport

To make things easier, we have outlined eight instances where you do not require planning permission for your oak framed or timber garage:

Planning permission will not be required if:

  • Your garage is being used for its intended use (parking cars, storage etc)
  • The size of your wooden garage or carport is not more than half the property size
  • Your garage does not interject into a road and the side elevation or principal side of the house faces a road.
  • Your oak garage’s height does not exceed four metres.
  • The maximum eaves height of the garage is 2.5 metres (if it’s within two metres oF the property boundary)
  • The garage is not within 3.5 metres of the road boundary
  • The garage is not built on the principle or side elevation of a house within a conservation area.

As long as your garage complies with the above, you will not need to seek out planning permission. If your garage does not adhere to the above, then you may want to contact your local council or alternatively speak to our staff for more information.

For more information on planning permission for converting a garage

Although in most instances you will not require planning permission for your garage extension, we are on-hand to provide any advice or help you secure planning permission.

Alternatively, if you are considering purchasing any sized oak frame garage, why not browse our collection? We provide and build all garage shapes and sizes and even offer bespoke options (at no additional cost).

Contact our team today to talk more about our garage and installation options.