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Oak Barns - WS00457
Also in: Oak Framed Complexes
Also in: Stables and Barns
This is a building we have previously constructed which you may want to use as a starting point for your design. All our buildings are designed and manufactured to your individual specifications.
This oak framed stable complex includes three standard stables complete with stable doors and windows, one foaling stable that is slightly bigger and as well as a stable door and window in the external walls also has a stable door through to the tack room. There is also a small store room with WC and in the sitting up and tack area there is a bathroom and kitchen area.
G/F Area (sq m) | 154.3 |
Total Area (sq m) | 154.3 |
Length (m) | 21.015 |
Depth (m) | 12.4 |
Ridge Height (m) | 5.1 |
Roof Pitch (deg) | 40 |
Number of Bays | 8 |
Location | Essex |